Recently we’ve had an increase in community complaints regarding some noise and issues in the parking lot. Please be considerate of your neighbors.

Parking Lot:

Please use caution and care when operating vehicles in the parking lot. It has been brought to our attention that there have been some issues with cars being hit while unattended. Please look out when parking / driving so as to not hit other cars, and be considerate when opening doors so as to not “ding” your neighbors.


As a reminder for all residents (and their guests) of Princess Anne Gardens Condominiums, per our Rules and Regulations, between the hours of 11pm and 8am noise levels need to be reduced. Unnecessary noises shall at all times be avoided. Please be considerate of your neighbors, as everyone is entitled to quiet enjoyment of their condo unit.

Virginia Beach noise ordinance has further clarification for noise levels and how it is enforced. Please use the following links to see the current state of the noise ordinance, and the status of proposed clarifications for enforcement.

Categories: General