Hurricane Isaias
In preparation for Tropical Storm Isaias, please remember to secure or remove all patio/balcony furnishings. Please check your local weather station/website for important updates and information.
In preparation for Tropical Storm Isaias, please remember to secure or remove all patio/balcony furnishings. Please check your local weather station/website for important updates and information.
Recently there have been signs placed in the lawn around Building 12. Just a reminder to all residents about the Rules and Regulations of the Association, per Rule 3: No sign, advertisement, notice or other lettering, painting or decoration, religious symbols or bric-a-brac shall be exhibited, inscribed, painted or affixed Read more…
The association was notified by Virginia Beach Water Utility will be replacing the water meter near Building #1 on Tuesday, July 14th at 9:00 am. Per VB Utility, this will affect all buildings and units. Please see the attached announcement for more info.
Monday July 6, 2020 to Friday July 10, 2020 (7/6/20 to 7/10/20) Always Clean Services, Inc. will be POWER WASHING and CLEANING THE GUTTERS (weather permitting) during the above dates. Please see the attached notice for resident responsibilities. Neither the Association, the Managing Agent, nor the Contractors will be held Read more…
Princess Anne Gardens has contracted with Inlet Construction to replace the drain line in-between Buildings 3 & 16 the week of June 29, 2020. Please review the map carefully as there will be no vehicles permitted in the yellow highlighted work zones during the week of June 29th. Vehicles must Read more…